Champions for Life Foundation

2020-21 Annual Report

As we look towards the end of 2021, we continue to live through a chapter in human history that future generations will reflect upon for years to come. One of the most pressing issues is the impact of this pandemic upon children and youth. 

Even before the pandemic, only a third of elementary school children were achieving the daily recommended physical activity levels. The COVID-19 pandemic has decimated the opportunities that children have to be active and establish healthy habits. The fight for the future health of our children is now more urgent than ever, and the Champions for Life Foundation is on the front line.

I am delighted to share with you the enclosed report, which shows how the Champions for Life Foundation is having a more significant impact than ever in the lives of children across Quebec.

We're on a mission

We help children in the critical early years of development to acquire fundamental movement skills so that they have the confidence and motivation to play and be active throughout their lives.

Why our work is important

Global trends, including excessive screen time, are contributing to a generation of inactive children and sending them on a dangerous path. Inactive children are at risk for adverse physical, mental, social and cognitive health problems. This generation will need to become habitually physically active in order to grow into healthy, resilient adults who can survive and thrive in a changing world. 

Download Report →

Because of your support this year, we were able to:

  • Work with over 250 schools and community centres, delivering programs to over 10,000 children.
  • Launch a physical literacy toolbox, providing digital resources to teachers so we could reach more children across the province.
  • Train nearly 200 Leaders with the skills they need to promote physical literacy in schools.
  • Provide volunteer leadership opportunities to 50 Junior Leaders who have developed a deep sense of civic engagement and an understanding of the problems linked to inactivity.

While we are thrilled to share with you the news of all that we have achieved this year, our work isn't done, and we have ambitious plans for growth in the year to come. 

Thank you sincerely for the generous support that you have given us. Our success is yours, and we are proud to be on this journey with you.

I welcome your thoughts and ideas. If you'd like to discuss any of the content in the enclosed report, please feel free to reach out to me on the coordinates below or through our 'Contact Us' page.

With best regards,

David Arsenault

Founder & Executive Director

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