Champions for Life Foundation

Alphabet Soup

We’ve got the ingredients for YOU! You need to be hungry for it! The key to staying motivated and active is never letting your physical activities get boring. Keep things exciting and have fun with our Alphabet Soup physical literacy chart! A great way to be active and practise fundamental movement skills. 

Skills in action:

 All movement skills apply to this game.

Alphabet Soup Game Card

How to play:

  1. Write the names of your family members on separate paper.
  2. Place the names in a large soup pot or bowl.
  3. Draw a name from the large soup pot or bowl.
  4. Match the letters of that name to the movements in our Alphabet Soup Chart.
  5. All family members perform all the skills that spell out that name (e.g. E.R.I.C. - E: Dribble a ball with your left hand while you sing the alphabets > R: Run up and down your driveway or backyard five times > I: Invent a pose of your own and hold for 10 seconds > C: Crab walk for 20 seconds).


  • Spell the name of a loved one (e.g. grandparents, cousins), Facetime that person and do the movements together.
  • Spell the names of countries or places you have visited or would like to visit.
  • Spell the names of your favourite animals.
  • Spell the names of your favourite soup ingredients.
Alphabet Soup Printable Game Card
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