Champions for Life Foundation

Holiday Ornament Juggling

The main objective of holiday ornament juggling is for the balloons to never touch the ground.

Grades K-2

5-8 years old


Small groups

2-3 children per group

Open space

(indoor or outdoor)

Red & green balloons

Skills in action:

Tossing and Tapping a Balloon using Both Hands

  • I look at the balloon.
  • I toss the balloon straight up into the air.
  • I watch/track the balloon and move close to it as it begins to float down.
  • I spread my fingers and flick my wrists to tap the balloon back into the air.

Tossing and Tapping a Balloon using One Hand

  • I look at the balloon.
  • I toss the balloon straight up into the air.
  • I watch/track the balloon and move close to it as it begins to float down.
  • I spread my fingers and flick my wrist to tap the balloon back into the air.

How to play:

  1. Players stand in a circle with one balloon each. 
  2. On the count of 3, all players toss their balloons up into the air.
  3. Players tap the balloons to try and keep them up. 
  4. Players can tap either their own balloon or other player’s balloons.
  5. Players try to keep all the balloons up in the air as long as possible.


  • Add more balloons and players to the circle. 
  • Players kneel or sit while trying to keep the balloons up.
  • Players are in a pose (e.g. single leg balance, dog pointer etc.) while trying to keep the balloons up.
  • Encourage players to count the number of touches out loud before the balloons hit the ground.
  • Tap balloons with different parts of the body (e.g. knees, feet, elbows, head).

Download our "Countdown to the Holidays" playbook.

For more holiday-themed games, download our FREE playbook with 3-weeks of fun and engaging games to help keep kids moving. It contains a series of challenges that help develop physical literacy. 

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