Champions for Life Foundation

Santa's Square

Santa's Square is played among four players on a square court divided into quadrants. The objective of Santa's Square is to eliminate other players to achieve the highest rank on the court, and this is done by bouncing the ball back and forth between quadrants. A player is eliminated when a ball is bounced in a player's quadrant and the player is unable to touch the ball into another player's quadrant. 

Grades 1-6

6-12 years old


Small groups

5 children per group

Open space

(indoor or outdoor)

A medium-sized ball

Skills in action:

Chest bounce pass

  • I start by holding the ball near my chest, fingers spread out on the side of the ball, thumbs pointing up.
  • To pass the ball, I step with one foot forward towards my target.
  • I extend my arms away from my chest as I step forward and push the ball towards the ground about ⅔ of the way to my target.
  • I flick my wrists so that my thumbs point down and my palms face out.

Catching with two hands 

  • I look at the ball.
  • I extend my arms towards the ball.
  • I keep my hands close together, fingers spread.
  • I bring the ball to my body.

How to play:


Court setup

  1. Using masking tape or chalk, draw 1 large square about 3m by 3m. 
  2. Divide this square into 4 equal squares and number them 1 through 4, with 1 being the top left square. 
  3. Square 1 is labeled “Santa’s Square." The goal is to get to Santa’s Square (square 1).
  4. Have one player stand in each square and the 5th player stands outside square 4 in the “North Pole” (waiting zone).


  1. The player in “Santa’s Square” starts with the ball. 
  2. They must use a chest bounce pass to bounce the ball into another player’s square. 
  3. That player must catch the ball and then pass it to another player. 
  4. Play continues until someone does not catch the ball. 
  5.  If the receiving player does not catch the ball they step out of the square and into the “North Pole”.. 
  6. The player in the “North Pole” steps into square 4. 
  7. All players in lower numbered squares than the player who has moved to the “North Pole” move one spot to the next square. (e.g. if in square 3 move to square 2, if in square 2 move to square 1 “Santa’s Square”).



  • Use different types of passes (e.g. one hand bounce pass, chest pass without a bounce etc.).
  • Use different types of objects to pass (e.g. beanbag, rubber chicken, etc.).

Download our "Countdown to the Holidays" playbook.

For more holiday-themed games, download our FREE playbook with 3-weeks of fun and engaging games to help keep kids moving. It contains a series of challenges that help develop physical literacy. 

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