Champions for Life Foundation

Word Target

Looking for something to do with all those unmatched socks? Why not use them to play "Word Target?"

This is a fun game that encourages children to practice the fundamental movement skill of throwing while practicing their spelling at the same time. This game can easily be played indoors or outdoors.

Physical literacy skills in action

  • Underhand throw
  • Overhand throw

How to play

  1. Write the alphabet out on individual pieces of paper.
  2. Tape letters to a door or wall, making sure letters are mixed up and taped at various levels. 
  3. Designate a “throwing line.” 
  4. Hand children a pair of rolled-up socks. 
  5. Call out a word, for example, “active."
  6. Children throw the socks trying to hit the target letters that spell the word.
  7. Children collect points for every time they hit a correct letter.

Add these variations

  • Have children practise throwing with their right and left hands.
  • Move the “throwing line” further back to increase the level of difficulty.
  • Exchange letters for numbers and do math equations. 

Check out this link for more inspiration

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