Champions for Life Foundation

Snowball Relay

Players move through a relay course while carrying a “snow ball” (bean bag). The goal is to see which group can make the largest pile of “snowballs”. 

Grades K-2

5-8 years old


Small or large groups

Open space

(indoor or outdoor)

Various equipment

Skills in action:


  • I look forward
  • I keep a straight posture
  • I do a step-hop rhythm
  • I swing my arms opposite to my legs


  • I get ready: squat with arms back
  • I take off: spring with my legs, swing my arms
  • I fly: extend my body into the air
  • I land: softly and with balance


  • I look forward
  • I spring on one leg
  • I hitch-kick (I swing my knee up then kick back)
  • I swing my arms opposite to my legs

Log Rolling

  • I lie on the floor and stretch my body, arms and legs 
  • I keep my legs and arms together, my body “tight”
  • I roll in a straight line
  • I roll smoothly 

How to play:

  1. Explain to the children that they will be moving through a relay course while carrying a “snow ball” (bean bag). 
  2. The goal is to see which group can make the largest pile of “snowballs”. 
  3. Divide children into groups of 4 or 5. 
  4. Designate a start line at one end of the activity space.
  5. Using a marker (cone, polyspot) designate where each group lines up and place a pile of “snowballs” at this spot.
  6. Set up a relay obstacle course in front of each group. Courses should be the same for each group.
  7. The course should include opportunities for children to skip, log roll, jump and hop.
  8. At the end of each course place a hula hoop.
  9. On your signal, the first person in each group picks up a “snowball” and starts the relay race. 
  10. When they get to the end of their course, they place their “snowball” in the hula hoop.
  11. After they place their “snowball” in the hoop, they sprint back, “high five” the next person in line and then go to the back of the line. 
  12. The next person in line, picks up a “snowball”, races through the course and places it on top of the first “snowball”.
  13. Race continues for a designated period of time or until all “snowballs” have been placed in the pile. 


  • If weather permits play outside with real snowballs! 

Download our "Countdown to the Holidays" playbook.

For more holiday-themed games, download our FREE playbook with 3-weeks of fun and engaging games to help keep kids moving. It contains a series of challenges that help develop physical literacy. 

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