Champions for Life Foundation

Bookworm Workout

Joanne Lawson • Mar 20, 2020

Do you enjoy reading your favourite books with your kids? Why not make it ACTIVE!

Reading books aloud to each other has always been a favourite family activity. But did you know that reading a favourite book can easily be turned into a fun way of staying active? 

Doing this activity #TogetherAtHome with your children allows you to promote their reading and physical literacy skills while having fun at the same time. This activity is best for pre-readers and beginning readers. 

Physical literacy skills in action

  • Jumping
  • Hopping
  • Skipping
  • Jogging
  • Balance poses 
  • Any skill: incorporate these skills into your activity

How to play

  1. Choose a book that repeats a word or group of words (e.g. "Up, Up, Down" by Robert Munsch).
  2. Decide on a skill that will be performed every time the words “up” or “down” are read. For example, when the word “up” is read, jump up as high as you can 5 times. When the word “down” is read, hold the plank pose for 30 seconds. 

Add these variations

  • Read a book that has animals as characters. Every time the animal’s name is read, move around your home for 30 seconds as that animal. 
  • Write several poses on pieces of paper or popsicle sticks. Poses can be yoga poses or any pose your family makes up. Every time you turn the page, family members pick a pose and hold that pose for the duration it takes to read that page. Turn the page, pick another pose. 

Suggested books

  • The Napping House by Audrey Wood
  • Have You Seen My Cat? by Eric Carle
  • Silly Sally by Audrey Wood
  • Five Little Monkeys by Eileen Christelow
  • No, David by David Shannon

Check out this link for more inspiration

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