Champions for Life Foundation

Soccer Mini-Golf

Feeling creative? Need to get outside for some ACTIVE play? Try this twist on mini-golf.

Soccer Mini-Golf is a fun game for kids, teens and adults. This game is a great way to challenge your family members to use their creativity to design and build a soccer mini-golf course. Soccer Mini-golf is also an opportunity to get the family outdoors as once the course is built it can be used over and over again. Keep in mind safety! 
Challenge your family to come up with ideas of how to design the course by using items you have lying around the house. For example, boxes, garbage bins, pieces of wood for ramps, laundry bins, pool noodles etc. Designing the course can go on for several days and can be just as exciting as playing the game!

Physical literacy skills in action

  • Passing
  • Kicking 
  • Striking an object

How to play

  1. Set up a series of 9 golf holes around your backyard (or basement).
  2. Choose a small softball that can be kicked through the golf holes. 
  3. Each golf hole should be as unique as possible. Create opportunities where the ball has to be kicked through something, kicked up or down a ramp, kicked against another object so it rebounds towards the golf hole etc. 
  4. Using tape, mark off a tee-off line. This will be where players stand to kick the ball. 
  5. To create more or less of a challenge, set up golf holes at different distances from the tee-off line. 
  6. Each family member takes their turn by standing at the tee-off line and using the side of their foot, they try to kick the ball into the golf hole.
  7. Keep track of how many kicks it takes at each golf hole by printing off this scorecard or creating your own.
  8. The game ends once everyone has had a turn at all 9 holes.
  9. A family member with the lowest score at the end of the 9 holes wins the game. 

Add these variations

  • Alternate kicking with both the right and left legs. 

Check out this link for more inspiration

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