Champions for Life Foundation

Follow the Lights for an Active Holiday Walk

The holiday season is going to look and feel very different this year. With this season's stay-at-home orders and social distancing directives, families worldwide are getting more quality time together than they ever thought possible. As we search for fun family activities to keep us busy this month, here are some active ways to keep the holiday spirit alive.

Sports are cancelled, playdates are happening via screen time, and parents are growing increasingly concerned that their families aren't getting enough physical activity and exercise. Recent school and business closings are changing everyone's routines and leaving a powerful effect on our time, but this forced family time can be a blessing if we look for the silver linings. 

Take the family on a #HolidayLightsWalk 

We look forward to seeing everyone's holiday lights and decorations every year. You may remember back in the spring of 2020 when many families posted rainbows in their windows. Window walks became a novel way to add excitement to a neighbourhood stroll. Hundreds of families set out on rainbow walks, shamrock or easter egg scavenger hunts to see how many they could find. It was a community gesture to add some sparkle into the lives of children during this stressful time. The best part? It motivated kids to get outside!

This time of year, we know how hard it can be to encourage the kids to go outside, especially when it's cold out. A goal or theme for a walk will help motivate and excite them. That's why we're proposing a #HolidayLightsWalk for December. 

How does it work?

  1. Bundle up!
  2. Head outside in the neighbourhood to check out the lights. Be sure to follow public health measures regarding social distancing if you're going with someone outside your household.
  3. Look for Santa decorations, reindeer, lights of all different colours. See who can find the tallest tree that's decorated.
  4. End off with some hot chocolate and talk about your favourite decorations.

Keep it fresh and mix it up!

It's going to be a long month, and you're probably looking for more than one way to keep your family walks interesting. Here are some variations to try for your #HolidayLightsWalk.

  1. Make it an animal walk. Select a different animal every few houses and have the whole family try to walk like that animal. Frog hops and donkey kicks. This article by the CBC has got them all. 
  2. Make it technology-free and try to take mental pictures instead!
  3. This Christmas Lights Bingo game is the perfect little boost to get your family moving and to walk off any holiday stress.
  4. Head out more than once and go in the opposite direction as last time. Better yet, let your children guide the way (safely, of course)
  5. Try to find a different house for each colour in the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple).
  6. Make it a scavenger hunt. Create a list of what you'll look for (Santa, reindeer, elf, snowflakes, holiday paw patrol characters, etc.) and check them off as you go.

What are the benefits?

  1. It'll make you feel better. Just 5 minutes of outdoor exercise, such as daily family walks, has improved self-esteem and mood. Additionally, walking is an active strategy that may lower your stress response.
  2. Heading outside for a walk with no goal other than to enjoy the lights is a great way to practice unstructured play with your kids. Unstructured play occurs when an activity has no defined purpose or instruction. It helps promote physical literacy, builds resilience and improves concentration. This benefits both children and adults alike. We have 25 more ideas for unstructured play here.
  3. During this challenging time, noticing the little things that make you smile is essential. Practicing gratitude has been shown to give you a little happiness boost and train your brain to see more of the good, even amidst the bad. Take 1 or 2 minutes after you return from your walk to reflect on how it made you feel.

We hope this idea brings you some happiness this holiday season. If you decide to head out for a #HolidayLightsWalk, take a picture of your family before, during or after and tag us on social media.

Do you have some active ways to help keep your family busy this holiday season? Please share in the comments below. While you’re at it, follow along on our social media accounts for more inspiration!

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