Champions for Life Foundation

Family Balloon Volleyball Challenge

How about some balloon volleyball?

It’s safe to play indoors and you can get the whole family involved — even grandma! There’s something addictive about trying to keep a balloon in the air. Even most hard-hearted, disinterested, nonpartisans will have a hard time resisting a little playful punch when the balloon invades their space.

All you need is string or yarn and a balloon. You can keep track of the number of minutes you’re able to keep the balloon in the air or how many times it’s hit over the yarn, and then try to break your record!

Physical literacy skills in action

  • Throwing
  • Catching
  • Striking
  • Passing with feet

How to play

  1. Make a net by tying a piece of yarn from one chair to another (or, something immovable and safe at each end).
  2. Then blow up a balloon. Divide family members in half. 
  3. See how many times your family can pass the balloon back and forth across the net without it touching the ground. The goal is to volley the balloon as many times as possible, rather than trying to get the other side out. 
  4. Change things up a bit by kicking or head-bumping the balloon. 
  5. Add a little “competition” by Face-timing another family and challenging them to try and beat your score.
  6. The only rule is that you can’t catch the balloon and then hit it over. 

Add these variations

  • Add more balloons for a bigger challenge.
  • Require that the balloon must be hit by everyone or everyone in a specific order.
  • Make players twirl around once either before or after they hit the balloon.
  • Allow players to only hit the balloon with their non-dominant hand.

Check out this link for more inspiration

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